Saturday, September 17, 2011

sophie's first birthday

I was grateful that Sophie's first birthday fell on a Saturday, and a special one too.  It was also Olivia's baptism day.  We were miraculously all dressed by ten-thirty. We met Jeremy and Judy's family and Grandma Julia at the Stake center. 
Olivia and Granddad.

Olivia asked Sam and Ben to give talks.  The kids and I sang "When I am baptised"  and Judith played the piano.  I was grateful that our new friends and neighbors, the Cazier family were there too.
Olivia and her cousin Julia.

After the baptism we drove to my favorite place in the canyon, Vivian Park. 

William, Grant, and cousin Mylee

Sophie's cousins Rachel and Bo.

Sophie and Bo.
Grandma Martha.
Grandma Julia, Sam, and Sophie.


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