Needless to say, it has been a challenge to keep up with the kids' activities and the house..especially the house...and also recording life and the many things to be grateful for.
This was girls' night out in April, while the boys were with Granddad at the priesthood session.
Lovely, Caitlin.

Bethany's competing dance team performed two numbers at a competition at Provo High and took first place for both. I never get tired of watching them do Funky Monkey.
We had another pet funeral. Cocoa, the mama rabbit passed away in the spring. We think she might have had uterine cancer, which is very common in rabbits.
The girls played "This Little Light of Mine" together. Thank goodness for bluegrass camp.
"Dear Cocoa...I love you as much as fried chicken..and other things like my mom and dad and blossoms."

I haven't mentioned much about the rabbits either. They have continued to be an after church attraction on Sunday mornings. Olivia loves to put them out in their rabbit run in the yard for primary kids to play with on their way home from church, much to the kids' delight, and somewhat to the frustration of hungry parents. Our little Smokey went out for an adventure, and sadly, never returned, but Wes and Hugo still manage to run about and return, though they are nearly impossible to catch. They have fallen out of favor with me because they eat my hasta and petunias, which has prompted me to save money on annuals this year, and kept me from the IFAs, the Lindon nursery, and the garden sections of Lowes and Walmart, so I suppose I should thank them.

So while I was working, the little kids went back to the daycare center that they attended during my massage therapy school days. The administrators and teachers are like family to me now, and I am always grateful that they welcome the children back when needed. I am a big proponent of socialized daycare for all incomes, like in Sweden. I loved my new job, but as the end of the school year approached I started to feel needed at home, and weary from the high cost of daycare. I believe it was equal to what I was earning.

Kindergarten time. I'm proud of you Grant.