Wednesday evening, I was grateful to spend time with Sam in the kitchen. I was making stuffing and pear and jello salad. He was working on his Twin Peaks Cherry Pie. Wednesday day we took care of two kids with cavities at the dentist, lost lots of time at Wal-mart, something else there must have been as well, I felt tired and discouraged by the end of the day. I prayed that I could know just one thing I could do to make the kids' life better. I prayed to understand what is life about anyway. What is just one thing that makes life worthwhile. So the answer came the next day, as answers do in small ways.


We were excited and grateful to see Raines cousins we haven't seen for a while,

and Grandma Julia and Great-Grandma Hammond who was visiting from Arizona. There were so many cousins Grandma Julia decided to hold dinner at the church. Grandma Martha came with us too. Then some of the kids came back to our house with a few of the Mangum cousins, and Bethany and Ben went to the Mangum house to spend time with Alex and Samantha and accompany Kayla to a midnight Black Friday laptop run. Friday we all met up again at Trafalga in Lehi. Another chance to use our Pass of All Passes.

Grant and William played miniature golf with Sam.
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