His lovely little stack could give me a leg up next time I get handed one of those development questionnaires by the pediatrician, those awful instruments of shame. Fortunately, I'm so often running late that I can simply respond with sorry didn't have time for this instead of how the heck should know when asked how many words, how many steps backward, how many times can she clap for no reason, how many blocks or in this case doughnuts can she stack. Those doughnuts are looking good to me right now. We don't mind the floor.
We caught up with them before dinner. That was easy since Grant was screaming. Dinner was Taco Bell at the Wilk. Remind me never to eat soft tacos in public again. Lettuce everywhere. Total loss of self-respect.
Friday we took our now traditional trip to Cornbelly's Corn Maze at Thanksgiving Point.
We went on a Friday after dark so the big kids could go in the haunted maze. Turned out to be too terrifying for all but Sam, who had to turn back to escort his sister out anyway. And going after dark made it all the more difficult to keep track of Grant who pays the likes of us no never mind these days and would just as soon get lost and taken off to the information booth where they give him a free sucker shaped like a piece of corn no less while I have to come and collect him in shame.
So by way of evaluation, next year we'll go back to weekdays, which are considerably less expensive, and less crowded. (We missed the hayride this year due to a too long line and too tired children. Sam and I were sad about that.) And we'll go in the daylight hours and take at least one more adult along to help keep track of wayward little boys. No more stoicism at Cornbelly's for me.
The boys took naps while Sam was up to something in the garage. Designing his own haunted house for the siblings.
Glahazees comment is from the RM.
Thanks Courtney..I knew a Raines would catch that.
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